Everyone has seen the posts from your friendly neighbor, Robert Zearing. Their announcements of multiple events, projects, and meetups steadily fill your news feeds, and whispers of what the Dads of Castle Rock have planned in the future can be heard from time to time.

Brad Langerak, DoCR Vice President, presents ideas and perspectives on how to improve internal processes.

Everything that happens with the Dads of Castle Rock, from small projects to full blown fundraisers and events must start somewhere. An average DoCR sanctioned event takes anywhere from two to eight months to plan, coordinate, put in motion, and execute. Multiple meetings with different internal committees are required to ensure these events are successful.

The board of directors and executive team meet at least once month to discuss upcoming events, but there are times when additional meetings are needed to improve how they are able to more effectively relay information to the community, or discuss items that need be done within the executive team to find ways that the Dads of Castle Rock can better serve the community.

The Dads of Castle Rock is passionate about making as much of a positive impact as they can, even in the wake of major setbacks.

Everything that happens can be a learning experience, and an opportunity for personal and professional growth. This mindset and core value of the group of representing themselves, their families, and their community with dignity and respect provides opportunities for the Dads of Castle Rock to put their words into action.

One Reply to “Dads of Castle Rock – Behind the Scenes”

  1. I am an individual that works closely with the Spina Bifida Association of Colorado (SBACO). I head up a sub committee for them and was on the board for many years. My group is a Community Outreach group that is working on developing partnerships with some events in our communities and to work on be available for as many individuals that could benefit from our events. I would love to get in contact with your Events individual and see if we had any thoughts on benefits for us both.

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